PICC placement


  • Check Cr - we prefer not to do PICC in patients with renal failure
  • Rarely needs sedation
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Equipment Always Necessary

  • Tourniquet (penrose)
  • 5Fr Power PICC *
  • Micropuncture
  • 2-0 nylon suture
  • Green caps (2)
  • Biopatch



  • POSITION: Supine
  • DRAPE: Standard
  • US and probe cover
  • Need scout image

Stand by Equipment

  • 5Fr 65cm KMP catheter
  • Contrast



  • STAT-Lock
  • BIopatch
  • Tegaderm


  • In general, the preference is the nondominant arm.
  • If patient has renal failure we prefer to use tunneled central line, since it does not damage the arm veins, which later can be used for fistulas.
  • DOUBLE LUMEN: tpn, chemo
  • SINGLE LUMEN: abx only